How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Work Or Volunteer?

woman sat at a table, tablet device in her hands as she considers whether to work or volunteer

In this post, writer Hannah Emery shares her tips and advice on how individuals with long-term conditions can consider whether they’re ready to work or volunteer. If you’re seeking meaningful work, sign up with Astriid today! Taking the first step into employment or volunteering when you have either been completely unable to work or have had […]

Interview Types

Face-to-face This is the traditional interview. It gives the most rounded view of the individual, their likes, skills, and attributes. It also can place them in a work setting to see how they adapt. However, due to social distancing face-to-face interviews may soon be in the minority. Phone call This type of interview can be […]

Identifying Your Transferable Skills

Time Management Often, people with chronic illnesses have to be proactive in planning how they use their time. We may have to structure activities around our ‘good’ and ‘bad’ spells during the working day or week, and ensure we have a sufficient balance between productivity and rest. As such, we’re well equipped to show initiative […]