Disability Disclosure And Discrimination In The Workplace – Astriid’s Guide For People With Long-Term Health Conditions

Disability Discrimination and Long-Term Health Conditions If you have a long-term health condition, you may encounter disability discrimination during your working life. From being excluded during recruitment to difficulties securing workplace adjustments and climbing the career ladder, people can face multiple barriers during their working day. This is unacceptable, and for a long time, disability […]
Becoming Self-Employed With A Long-Term Health Condition – Points To Consider

In this post, writer Hannah Emery shares some important points to consider for becoming self-employed with a long-term health condition. If you’re seeking meaningful work, sign up with Astriid today! Deciding to become self-employed instead of following the traditional employment route can feel like a leap into the unknown. However, more and more people are choosing […]
How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Work Or Volunteer?

In this post, writer Hannah Emery shares her tips and advice on how individuals with long-term conditions can consider whether they’re ready to work or volunteer. If you’re seeking meaningful work, sign up with Astriid today! Taking the first step into employment or volunteering when you have either been completely unable to work or have had […]
Identifying Your Transferable Skills

Time Management Often, people with chronic illnesses have to be proactive in planning how they use their time. We may have to structure activities around our ‘good’ and ‘bad’ spells during the working day or week, and ensure we have a sufficient balance between productivity and rest. As such, we’re well equipped to show initiative […]
Tips for Writing A CV

Take some time to ‘brain-dump’ before you start crafting your CV Write down any and every job role or work experience placement you’ve had, all of your skills and assets, anything at all that could be worthwhile including. By having all of this information noted down in front of you, you’ll be able to focus […]
Developing Your Skills & Finding Opportunities

Here are some useful links